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How to cope well? - For educators and their students

The times are very different for everyone. As quoted the current time is the new normal. It has both pros and cons. This can also be unsettling for many. There are many who are in constant effort to discourage and bring down the other one. But there are also who are in constant effort to encourage individuals, communities, and institutions. We are aiming to provide you certain tips on how to maintain your mental wellbeing and how to support your students during this tough time. Life is not to be anxious instead these are the challenging times to pull each other up. Eduception, the finest platform for Online IB Private Tuition in Delhi brings out few points for you to stay healthy during this time.

Self-care: As an individual self-care is important for yourself but it is also important if you are a teacher. You may or may not have other responsibilities but you cannot look after your students if you yourself are exhausted. One must not work to a point where he burns out himself. Instead one must work only till the time his brain and body allow. Sleep and nutrition are important factor in helping you work. Also, exercise whenever possible. Walk, run, cycle, and walk whenever possible.

Routines: Online classes never mean that you can work without a schedule. Remember how your brain was mentally prepared when life was normal. Now the new normal might require a certain time to become normal but there is a need for a strict time-table. Have one and schedule your work accordingly. Work according to the plan as much as possible.

Social contact: Loneliness is a key factor when a person goes into depression or has anxiety. Social distancing or self-isolation is for in-person but not digitally. Right? Call, facetime, video-chat with your friends, colleagues, family as much as possible. Maybe keep them online with you every moment possible. Do not cut yourself out from there.

Dealing with anxiety: It is normal to feel anxious about such matters. Take care of yourself physically and mentally. Try out the exercises or tasks you can take during this time to lessen your anxiety. Calm yourself with soothing dishes and drinks. Talk to people around you, call your buddies. Discuss your problems with one who you can trust.

Explain the importance of a healthy brain and body and encourage them to do the same. Also, Eduception, the platform which provides the Best MYP online tuition in India, provides classes for time-management. Try them out and see if they can help.



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